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Integrated Regional Campaign

There are many rideshare brands that offer the same product but no clear vision.


At Uber, our mission is to make transportation reliable and empower people to share resources to make their cities better.


'Unlocking Cities', the largest brand campaign for Uber in 2017, aims to communicate this message.

We started with data.


Working with an established research agency, we found out how car ownership has affected cities.

The information that came back not only showcased the current problem, and the projected effect, but also how rideshare could be the long-term solution to traffic in Asia. 


We worked with Forsman & Bodenfors on the main film – a hilarious parody of what happens when there are too many cars/boxes on the road. 

For the rest of the campaign, we took it in-house.


As the lead writer, I took charge of all copy touchpoints to ensure information was accurate and authentic to the brand's tone of voice. All together, a sizable list of assets were produced:


  • Billboards (static & digital)

  • Print ads

  • Banners

  • Microsite

  • Social infographics

  • Film trailers (also use for digital)

  • Instagram stories

  • Youtube Masthead

  • Social response gifs

  • Emails

  • Press Toolkit

  • Office collateral

Teaser trailers
In-house collateral

This campaign went live in 8 cities:

  • Singapore

  • Kuala Lumpur

  • Jakarta

  • Manila

  • Ho Chi Minh

  • Hanoi

  • Hong Kong

  • Taipei


Unlocking cities garnered a lot of free press in industry publications and was the most talked-about campaign from Uber APAC. It successfully communicated the brand purpose clearly throughout the region. For the first time, public perception of the brand has significantly improved as evidenced by social media. 


Thanks! I'll get back to you asap.

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